Insurance cover as standard with Liquid Friday
Did you know… that if you are an employee of Liquid Friday you are automatically covered by our business insurances?
Apart from giving you peace of mind, when it comes to finding work this gives you the edge over contractors who may not have equivalent levels of cover. Indeed many contracts require that insurances are in place as a condition of acceptance.
Types of insurance cover
Here’s an overview of the different types of policy, and instances when they might come into play:
Public Liability
This insurance provides cover for damage, injury or death as a result of your work. Examples include destruction of property, injury to third party persons and legal costs. Even minor incidents can result in massive claims, so it really is essential cover.
Professional Indemnity
This provides cover for any claims brought against you for professional negligence. If you make an error in the performance of your duties or otherwise cause financial loss to the client, they may put in a claim. Apart from negligence, Professional Indemnity insurance covers loss of data or documents, breaches of intellectual property and cases of libel or defamation.
Employers Liability
This ensures cover for liability for any injury or illness as a result of your work with us. It is a legal requirement for any business that has employees. Often contracts use standard wording which make this type of insurance cover obligatory.
Personal Accident
This covers you for inability to work as a result of an accident at work or while driving. Everyone thinks “it won’t happen to me”, but if the worst happened, how would you and your family manage financially?
Ready to go
We always provide copies of our insurances to agencies and clients before we start working with them, so everything will be already in place before your assignment starts.
If you would like any further information on the policies you are covered by, contact the Liquid Friday team for further information.